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AAIT™ Foundations Course - August 9, 10, 11

19.5 CE Credits

Orientation - August 5th 6-7:30 PM (EST)


Location:  Zoom

CE language provided to you by R. Cassidy.

Evaations and Certificates are available by email and online following course completion at

Facilitated by Jo Willey, PhD, MA, MSSW, DSW


Course Content Level:  Introductory/Beginning 


Target Audience: Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, Paraprofesssionals



$775 – Full price


AAIT™ Foundations is designed for professionals who want to help their clients break FREE from the psycho-emotional pain that binds them. Many people appreciate the opportunity to learn a bit before embarking on the journey of certification through the AAIT™ Fellowship Training Group course. Healing arts professionals who enjoy working in the confluence of psychotherapy, self-development, and spirituality have had great success with people who journey with:

-Depression and Anxiety
-Bipolar Disorder
-Relationship issues
-Sexual wellbeing
-Body dysmorphia and other body related-issues
-Spectrum related concerns
-LGBTQ+ related issues
Children, teens, adults, seniors
...and more

In AAIT™ Foundations, you will learn to help clients easily develop an increased capacity for emotional regulation, release long-standing difficult problems and resolve trauma within minutes, not weeks.



9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Introduction to Acceptance and Integration Training®(one 15-minute break at 10:30) 

  • Arriving Meditation 

  • Articulate intention for training 

  • Introductions 

  • Housekeeping – accessing skills lab, maintaining body awareness, advocate for your learning, full focus – no phones, twitter, FB, text, etc – parental exception, nature pauses and confidentiality. 

  • Powerpoint and discussion – AAIT principles, phases and theory 

  • Snapshot and acceptance exercises. 

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH 

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Basic PEAT (one 15-minute break at 3:00 PM) 

  • Using Basic PEAT for emotional regulation (PEAT – Prime Energy Activation and Transcendence) 

  • Basic PEAT Demo 

  • Discussion, connect to AAIT™ principle – “Taking responsibility for and tending to our inner state is the source of our freedom.”, 

  • Review Basic PEAT flow chart 

  • Basic PEAT Demo 

  • Partner practice, solo practice 

  • Discussion troubleshooting and skill refinement 

  • Resourcing with Sneaky PEAT 

  • Group Demonstration 

  • Troubleshooting and skill refinement discussion. 


9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Deep PEAT 4 (one 15-minute break at 10:30) 

  • Review Q/A 

  • Intuitive wisdom reminders from Day ONE 

  • Review collaborative learning assignments 

  • Discuss stabilization of the work to insure complete resolution 

  • Make note of distinction between addressing general problems and tendencies like rumination and catastrophic thinking 

  • Discuss using Deep PEAT 4 for problem resolution, shadow integration and integration of chosen opposites for creating wholeness. 

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH 

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (one 15-minute break at 3:00 PM) 
Group Deep PEAT 4 Demo – doing it right / doing it wrong 

  • Review DP4 flowchart, connect to AAIT™ principle, “The integration of two opposing states can alleviate psychological suffering.” 

  • How to find opposites 

  • How to capture a snapshot of the here and now 

  • Partner practice, solo practice 

  • Troubleshooting and skill refinement discussion 

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 

  • Using Deep PEAT 4 for shadow integration – discuss what the shadow is and how to become conscious of it. 

  • Deep PEAT 4 Shadow Demo 

  • Shadow integration review 

  • Partner practice 

  • Troubleshooting 

  • Review - Q / A 


9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (one 15-minute break at 10:30) 
Intuitive wisdom reminders 

  • Review Q/A 

  • Review Basic PEAT in relation to the AAIT™ principle, “Resolving reactivity reveals higher states of consciousness.” 

  • Review Deep PEAT 4 in relation to the AAIT™ principle, “Integrating two opposing states can alleviate suffering.” 

  • Discuss trauma as energy frozen in time 

  • Demonstrate the Fingertip Method (FTM) for trauma resolution 

  • Review FTM Instructions relate to principle, “Self-acceptance is a means and measure of wellbeing.” Highlight the understanding that acceptance does not mean liking or approving of, it’s about allowing without resistance. Use Dick Olney’s definition, “Self-acceptance is experiencing oneself in any given moment without the inhibition of self- judgment, self-evaluation, or self-judgment.” 

  • Partner practice. Solo practice. Yes, we can use FTM in solo practice

  • Troubleshooting and skill refinement discussion. 

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH 

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (one 15-minute break at 3:00 PM) 

  • Using Deep Peat 4 for resourcing with Golden Shadow demonstration

  • Integrating qualities and characteristics for goal achievement and resourcing 

  • Golden Shadow review, relate to principle “The true self is not encumbered by the limitations of a narrative. The true self is a being.” 

  • Partner and solo practice 

4:00 – 5:00 PM 

  • Review 

  • Troubleshooting and refinement discussion 

  • Demo as needed 

  • Next Steps – Solo practice, practice partners, FB group (AAIT Community and AAIT Foundations), follow up meetings,


Additional training - Fellowship Training Group, and research. 

There are two follow-up 1.5 hour sessions for troubleshooting. Foundations participants are also invited to a private Facebook group with other folks who have taken AAIT Foundations. This gives the opportunity for ongoing support and troubleshooting.



DAY ONE – AM Objectives

  • Participants will be able to:

  • Cite the principles of AAIT

  • Describe the rhythm of an AAIT Session

  • Practice Snapshot and Acceptance Exercises


DAY ONE – PM Objectives

  • Practice Basic PEAT to help clients with emotional regulation

  • Practice Basic PEAT for self-care

  • Practice Basic PEAT for resourcing for client care and self-care


DAY TWO – AM Objectives

  • Define the four elements of human experience for full integration of polarities

  • Identify polarities for neutralization of pain

  • Distinguish stabilization techniques to further ground the work with clients


DAY TWO – PM Objectives

  • Practice Deep PEAT 4 for problem resolution

  • Create present-focused attention with a snapshot of the here and now

  • Demonstrate reclaiming projected material

  • Integrate the shadow with Deep PEAT for client and self-care


DAY THREE – AM Objectives

  • Apply the AAIT principles guiding the integration work, specifically related to trauma

  • Practice the Fingertip Method for quick trauma resolution

  • Discuss trauma as energy frozen in time and how to use space and time to disrupt and neutralize that energy


DAY THREE – PM Objectives

  • Practice Deep PEAT 4 for resourcing with golden shadow integration

  • Define and practice golden shadow integration for goal achievement

  • Construct a practice plan for self-care and introducing clients to AAIT.


Follow-up Session Objectives

  • Identify needs for troubleshooting

  • Extrapolate new learning with live support.




  • Full payment or your first month’s is required to reserve your spot

  • Any cancellations must be made at least 30 days before the start of the training. A $150 cancellation fee will be deducted from your registration fee.

  • Barring extenuating circumstances, no refund or credit will be given for cancellations within 30 days prior to the start of the training.

  • Personal medical or family emergencies resulting in an inability to attend some training sessions will be addressed on an individual basis.

  • 100% of the tuition amount paid will be refunded if the Alliance for Integrated Awareness cancels the training.

  • Again, participants are expected to attend every session, regularly meet with accountability partners and be an active member of the AAIT private online community.


There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.


For questions or concerns, email:


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